Q: How long will it take to receive my order after i pay? by which way to send the package?
Generally, 7-9 days to North America;9-12 days to Europe;Other countries of Aisa 5-7 days; 12-20 days to South America. We send the package by EMS or EUB, and we will give you tracking number once we send it, so that you can trace it.
Q: How to pay?
A: WESTERN UNION recommended, will get 10% discount ; MONEYGRAM recommended, will get 10% discount ; Bank Transfer
Q:Are the handbags authentic?
A: Though all bags are replicas, they are of high quality and Conforming to one standard as the authentic bags.
Q:Are the bags real leather?
A:All the bags same design as original bags. If it is a leather bag or leather part, then it is real leather. We never use fake leather as real leather.
Q:Is there any customs problem?
A: Generally there is no customs problem! If the customs charge you taxes, we will pay it back to you.
Q:How about the loss when shipping?
A: Don't worry, we take charge of all the loss or the customs taxes.
With its feminine design in supple canvas and grained leather,
the Pallas Beauty Case has a zipped interior pocket and flat pocket to hold your precious belongings.
It’s supple enough to fit easily into a suitcase, even when full.
11.0 x 7.1 x 3.9 inches
(Length x Height x Width)
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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 02 November, 2016.
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